You spend your whole time on an island looking out to sea. It’s a kind of meditation. Perhaps what you’re really facing is yourself.
~ Robyn Mundy
I’m a bibliophile, always with a number of books on the go at the same time. Recently I realised that by reading four books concurrently I wasn’t taking in much information. I was reading only at night before sleeping and each night a different book — and lately, only non-fiction. I usually take notes while I read — new words, quotes, interesting facts — but when I read my notes later, I couldn’t recall their context.
Wildlight, the new novel by Australian author, Robyn Mundy was on my shelf to be read but because of my search (read insatiable thirst) for information on writing, reading, meditation, living simply and passionately — I had only read a couple of pages.
I decided to take a moment… well… a morning to read and be still.