If you’re looking for a word to express beauty, look no further than Italian. The Italian language has many words which capture the essence of beauty in any context. And the words sound beautiful when you say them!
Seven favourite Italian words to express beauty:
1. Bellezza
Often used as an exclamation
Che bellezza! – how beautiful! / that’s beautiful!
Ciao bellezza! – Hello gorgeous!
2. Bellissima
Una giornata bellissima – a beautiful day
Sei una bellissima donna – you are a beautiful woman
3. Meravigliosa – (my favourite italian word)
Magnificent / wonderful / marvellous
La vita è meravigliosa! – life is wonderful!
4. Straordinario
Extraordinary / special / amazing
Ha una voce straordinario – she has an amazing voice
5. Splendido
Splendid / glorious
Una giornata splendida – a glorious day
6. Smagliante
Dazzling, brilliant
Un sorriso smagliante – a dazzling/bright smile
7. Stupendo
Stupendous / marvellous
Il Giardino Giusti a Verona è stupendo – The Giusti Garden in Verona is marvellous
The list of beautiful Italian words for beauty is long! Which Italian words do you use to express beauty?
Please share!
I usually use the words “stupendo” and “meraviglioso” to describe something I really love.
There’s also another Italian word I like very much: spettacolare 🙂
Hello Claire
Yes, I think that Italian words are so beautiful. The Italians use ‘squisito’ and ‘delizioso’ to describe food …how marvellous! Spettacolare is favoloso as well 🙂