The face shows who you are, how you have lived, what you have felt, and who you can become.
~ Lilian Bridges
After reading the wild, I discovered a different kind of reading: reading the face. When Sylvia from A touch of balance offered me a face reading, I asked, “what’s that?”
“Face reading,” she says, “allows you to see areas of weakness in the body, it also gives some indication of your personality, it allows you to understand yourself better.”
It is the window into the workings of the body, mind and emotions.
~ Lilian Bridges
The art of face reading dates back thousands of years. It originated with Taoist monk healers who studied the face to gain an understanding of the health of their patients.
My reading
Sylvia asked for five photographs (no make-up): a full length frontal, full-length side profile, close ups of the face — front and both profiles.
I was a bit sceptical about what photos could reveal about my current state of health, my emotions and my personality, but I was open to hearing what could be discovered.
The report from Sylvia provided interesting insights from looking at my forehead, eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, and chin. These correspond to the bladder and reproductive system, small intestines, liver, kidneys, adrenals, stomach and lungs. It appears that a deficient diet, frequent negative emotions, toxins and stress show up in the face as lines, blurry eyes, shadows and bags under the eyes, redness in the face, even moles.
Sylvia’s findings were really interesting. The insights were accurate in many respects! She says that the area around my eyes show that I don’t drink enough water or get enough sleep, and may have a bit too much salt in my diet. All true!
The shape of my chin and forehead, eyebrows and cheeks provided lots of information on my personality and emotional state. One of the main points is that I’m reticent to open up and share. Yes, I’m an introvert and for me, sharing involves trust. Which is one of the reasons for this writing space — to help me show up and share more. When I read my first draft of this piece I realised that I wrote it in general terms. I hadn’t included any information about myself, not a word about what the face reading revealed about my emotional state or my personality or my health. The final piece. . . well, you’re reading it! Do you think I’ve cracked open the door?
Now, onward. . . to more revelations!
Who knew that the shape of my eyebrows would reveal so much about my character! Mentally active, constantly evaluating and I keep a lot inside. Yes, I have a tendency to over-analyse and am somewhat judgemental. (working on this, Sylvia!) But on the other side of the coin, some lovely things, including that I’m imaginative, clever with words and have the ability to see the big picture. (Hope I can live up to this!)
I love that my cheeks reveal that I’m a strong person and that I base decisions on whether something feels right. I feel that sometimes I’m indecisive, so this is an area I can work on!
I also appreciate the suggestions on changes to my diet to strengthen my weak areas —reduce the bread, drink a glass of citrus in the morning, eat grapes, garlic, limes and apples, to name a few. Perhaps an extra dollop of lime curd on my pikelets isn’t too much of an indulgence. . . I am strengthening my liver!
I’m not sure if I’m a true believer yet, but I’m taking the suggestions about my diet and quieting the mind to heart. And the insights on my personality are definitely things to reflect on and be more aware of.
Reading the face has been an experience of self-discovery. As Sylvia says, “…face reading is a beautiful tool to show you your strengths and powerful characteristics.” It does help you to know yourself better!
Have you had a face reading? What did you think about the findings? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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