Lately, my Italian books have sat unopened on my side table, my grammar texts have gathered dust on the bookshelf and my Italian language skills have languished from disuse. It’s a familiar story for those of us who put in time and effort to learn a language, but through lack of practice, we slowly forget.
It’s six months since my last visit to Italia and I needed a catalyst to get the motor running again. I googled ‘Italian conversation Adelaide’ and found this thing called a Meetup for Italian conversation.
I signed up.
On Sunday at an Italian cafe, we were a group of nine. Some people didn’t speak any Italian, some, a few words, and a few had a good grasp of the language. We chatted in Italian (and some English) for just over an hour. And to my surprise, I was forming the words, speaking Italian without inhibition, without worrying about which word should come next, participating in the conversation.
A great feeling!
Gutsy, I say to those who didn’t have any knowledge of the language. I couldn’t have done it. And I question the value of joining a conversation group if you can’t participate. After all, a conversation requires you to speak as well as listen.
It’s been a challenge to find like-minded souls to with whom to practice Italian in Adelaide. Rediscovering and shaking the dust off my Italian language skills has renewed my enthusiasm. I look forward to another chiacchiarata in a fortnight.
I think I’ve rediscovered the Italian language mojo!
Alla prossima (’til next time)